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ITU Zone 27   ~   CQ Zone 14

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Blason Bourgoin-Jallieu

QTH: Bourgoin-Jallieu    Locator: JN25PO

Department 38 (Isère)

Blason Isère

Demo2 first
Coats of arms:      Isère department           Dauphiné region          Town of Bourgoin-Jallieu                
Background : south face of Mont Blanc (4.809 m / 15,777 ft). It is the highest mountain in the Alps.
Demo2 second
The highest summit of Isère department.
(Courtesy J.Rousset - Creative Commons)
Demo2 third
Winter in the Chartreuse Mountains Regional Nature Park.
Demo2 fourth
"Château du Touvet" is one of the numerous castles to visit in Isère.
Demo2 fifth
River Isère in the lower valley. The department of Isère is named after the river.
Demo2 sixth
One of the most famous French dishes was created in Dauphiné. It is called "Gratin Dauphinois".
(Courtesy L.Peron - C.C)
Demo2 seventh
A famous local dessert, the Dauphiné's walnuts pie !
Demo2 eighth
Flagship of the Dauphiné this renowned liquor called "Grande Dauphine" is made in Bourgoin-Jallieu.
Subtle blend of citrus fruits, spices and cognac, it is the heritage of three centuries of tradition.
Demo2 nineth
And another bottle ! ...
Demo2 tenth
Fishing for DX ...
Demo2 eleventh
Station logo.

(Moving your mouse over the slider and other images will show you sometimes more information)

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In the Shack ~ The HF station

The shack contains a collector's radio station. These radios were top rated in the eighties. The station is well maintained and is working perfectly. It is still currently in use. If you are among these stations lucky enough to contact me, you will hear (for some of you with a bit of nostalgia perhaps ...) the "sounds of the eighties".
The picture below shows the F5VIF's amateur radio operating position with a point-and-see captions and so you will be able to get information about each of the devices.

TRANSCEIVER-YAESU FT-101Z MK2 WARC (1980) TRANSCEIVER-YAESU FT-101ZD MK3 WARC (1985) EXTERNAL VFO-YAESU FV-101Z (1980) EXTERNAL VFO-YAESU FV-101Z (1985) Linear amplifier-YAESU FL-2100Z (1985) High quality microphone Yaesu YD-148 original Automatic Antenna Tuner-DAIWA CNA-1001 MFJ-986 3KW Differential T-Roller Inductor Tuner Speaker with filters and SO2R connections-YAESU SP-767 Because to chase rare DX a good and comfortable listening is important, these are not vintage headphones. I chose the best currently on the market. Headphones-'HEIL PRO SET ELITE' with HC-6 mic and phase reversal feature HEIL HC-6 high-fidelity microphone UR5CDX CW dual paddle iambic Key Eridan MB model Panadapter SDR LU8EQ for FT-101Z/ZD Computer keyboard Computer mouse DD-103 Universal Digital Dial (not in use) MFJ-493 CW Memory Keyer (not in use) Computer screen for Winlog32 and WinKeyer USB, as well as CW-Skimmer Second computer screen for Panadapter and HDSDR, DXLab SpotCollector or a web DX Cluster Wavenode WN-2d High precision RF Power meter, realtime RF analysis, oscilloscope and spectrum analysis of the RF modulation 12V Power Supply MFJ-989C Versa Tuner 3KW Series-Roller Inductor Heathkit SB-1000 KW Linear Amplifier with GOP-100 grid overload protection added and original plate choke replaced by Ameritron 3 stages plate choke to cover 1.8-30 MHz)

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Below : various changes and view of the shack when using phone transmission

The shack when using SSB

A high quality microphone offering a wide frequency response while keeping and reproducing with accuracy the articulation of the speech is used during phone operation. The Yaesu MD-1 microphone was selected for its exceptionnal audio characteristics giving a cristal clear modulation. In addition a W2IHY 8 bands equalizer is used to customize transmit audio for personnal taste.

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The first picture above shows the transceivers connected to the analog FV-101Z external VFO. These VFO's were replaced by digital models (second picture above and pictures just below) in order to have a similar stability as more recent transceivers. Featuring PLL synthesis and digital memories, they may be tuned in a variety of combination using the main dial, memory bank or keypad. The FV-901DM has a 100Hz step and fine tune is done with the RX/TX clarifier. The FV-901DM is especially easy to use to store and recall frequency memories while the FV-101DM can scan the band in 10 Hz steps providing a smoother tuning. They both have 3-speed scanner and two-loop PLL circuit designed to produce a clean output signal for a spurious free receiver and transmitter.


Digital VFO's


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The Aerial

The aerial currently in use is a telescopic quarter wave vertical antenna (MFJ-1979) which is fitted at a height of 20 meters above the ground. Due to its height and its surroundings the antenna does not need radials, instead of them a tunable counterpoise is installed. A coil (MFJ-67) is added when the antenna is used on the 30 or 40 meter band.

Vertical Antenna on balcony

This image slider shows a selection of the finest QSL cards received for contacts with rare DXpeditions or stations situated at a very long distance. These contacts were all achieved with the antenna shown above and the counterpoise described below.

Jaw Mount

This picture shows the mast clamp "Jaw Mount" and the MFJ-1979 telescopic quarter wave antenna of five meters in length, both made of stainless steel. This is a great combination !


As it is seen in the opposite picture, a tunable counterpoise simply made with a metal tape measure has been added to tune perfectly the antenna. As the measuring tape is graduated the antenna is tuned very quickly on any band.


In order to achieve very high performance (among other advantages) a high quality 1:1 choke balun from "Balun Designs LLC" was also added to the antenna.


On the higher bands a 2:1 unun is added to provide impedance transformation and a perfect match to the transmitter. The unun is used jointly with the 1:1 choke balun. Due to the proximity of the walls and structure of the building the antenna specifications are modified. In this situation, the impedance of the antenna is determined by the position of the counterpoise which is connected at the base of the antenna. On the higher bands the tape measure counterpoise (radial) is slanted, on the other bands it is streched horizontally.

Coil MFJ-67

The MFJ-67 is an excellent air-wound Hi-Q loading coil (2 inches diameter by 6 inches length). This coil can handle 1 kW and is used on 40 and 30 meters with outstanding results. The 1:1 choke balun as well as the tunable counterpoise are also added to this antenna system.

Fritzel Coil

Sometimes another loading coil made by Fritzel is used. Enameled copper wire (#15 AWG) wound on a special polycarbonate chuck is part of this coil. The chuck contains a high voltage air capacitor and is held between two steatite discs. Attachment hardware is made of stainless steel. This coil can also handle easily 1 kW. Results seem very similar to the MFJ-67 coil. (Move the mouse over the opposite image to see a short animation)

MFJ 80m loading Coil

On the 80 meter band the MFJ 404-0009 coil is used to load and tune the MFJ-1979 telescopic whip. Only one third of the coil is used. Even with this short antenna, DX stations are easily worked.



An antenna analyzer was used to determine the correct position and length of the counterpoise. The impedance matching to the transmitter is nearly perfect on all bands from the 80 meter band to the 10 meter band. As a result an antenna tuner is not needed.



Current QTH since 2017 and new antenna for balcony
As it is not possible to use the previous vertical antenna here, it has been replaced by a high power Tarheel antenna HP-200A in version cap hat as shown in the image slider opposite. The counterpoise described above is fitted at the bottom of the antenna 15 cm over the floor of the balcony and can be folded in the horizontal plane if needed. In this configuration there is no need for impedance transformation and the SWR can be set close to 1 on any band. In the specifications the HP-200A is given to work from 3.2 till 26 MHz. In reality and perhaps due to the counterpoise, this antenna is still able to work in the first part of the 10 meter band with a 1.2 SWR.

DXing at the current QTH with the Tarheel HP-200A antenna
This image slider shows a selection of the finest QSL cards received for contacts with rare DXpeditions or stations situated at a very long distance in using the Tarheel HP-200A antenna with a cap hat as shown just above.

DXing - One definition, one goal !
Transmitting a high-frequency signal as far as it will go and working for contacts with stations in countries never logged before is one of the most exciting and satisfying aspects of Amateur Radio.

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Sticker DXCC Mixed

DXCC - Mixed
Currently the level is 217

Only using

Sticker DXCC CW

Currently the level is 204

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WAZ - Mixed mode

Only using

WAZ - CW mode

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I like both telephony and telegraphy (CW) but I have a marked preference for CW. Since I am basically a CW operator I enjoy chasing rare or very long distance DX on the lower portions of the HF bands. The station is also often on the air during major contests and contributes mainly in giving points to other participants.

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WinKeyer USB

WinKeyer USB
linked with Winlog32 is perfect to control this SO2R (Single Operator 2 Radios) station.

(If you click on one of the dark blue link you will have more information about it)


This is the key I currently use. This beautiful piece of artwork is a dual lever iambic key designed by UR5CDX. This is the CT599MX model. Hand made, it has an exceptional quality chrome plating. It has also solid double silver contacts and my model has a unique brass plaque featuring my callsign. With a weight of 1.4 kg the key is very stable and does not move sideways when in use. The adjustements are easy and accurate. It is a must !

UR5CDX Eridan Key

This is the second key I currently use. This model is called Eridan MB and is the premium piece of artwork designed with soft classic lines by UR5CDX. It is made of 1.3 kg of brass and has an exceptional quality polish, mirror like smooth surface, quad balls bearings and solid double silver contacts. It has also a unique brass plaque featuring my callsign.
Exceptional model !

Vibroplex Key

Here is another key I also use. It is a iambic (dual-lever) paddles key, model "Presentation" manufactured by Vibroplex. It has jeweled movements and a polished decorative chrome base with bright chrome top parts and a 24K gold plated brass plate over it. The callsign of the station is also engraved on it. Top-notch key !

Vibroplex-Bug Key

This is the semi-automatic "Lightning Bug" Vibroplex key. First patented in 1904, it is a genuine piece of history. It is still manufactured today. This version was released late in the seventies by the Vibroplex Company and I used it intensely in the eighties. This key is now in my museum but I still use it from time to time just for the fun of it. When using the "Lightning Bug" I can have the same experience pioneer telegraph operators felt over a century ago ... yes really ...

Kenpro KP-200

This is the Kenpro KP-200 Memory Keyer. The iambic paddles key is included inside the housing. The accuracy and flexibility of its adjustments as well as the softness of its movements are very relaxing for the hand. Till now it is the best key I have ever used. I use it with the HF portable station.

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Phone ~ Digital


Here is the "RIGblaster Plus II USB". An easy to use interface between the computer and the transceiver. The RIGblaster was selected mainly because it has a 8 pin round microphone connector on the front panel and on the connection cable to the transceiver. As from time to time digital transmission is also used, switching between phone and digital modes can be done instantly without changing the audio control settings of the rig.

Micro MD-1

MD-1 Yaesu microphone. This microphone is designed for high quality audio characteristics. The large dynamic element provides an extremely wide range audio response (100Hz-15kHz(-6dB). It is fitted on an 8-point flexible suspension support system Heil "SM-1 shock mount". This system helps suppress low-frequency rumble on the microphone line by absorbing and damping vibrations picked up from the desk or console. The SM-1 shock mount is used with the Heil PL2T a unique and versatile high quality boom.

Pop filter

To eliminate 'popping' sounds caused by the mechanical impact of fast moving air on the microphone occuring particularly in the pronunciation of aspirated plosives, an anti-pop noise protection filter is added to the microphone. It also protects the microphone against saliva. Salts in human saliva are corrosive and thus it prolongs the life of the microphone and its specifications. But moreover it maintains all the time a minimum distance between the mouth of the operator and the microphone.

W2IHY 8 band audio equalizer

The W2IHY 8 Band Graphic Audio Equalizer and Noise Gate is a sophisticated unit loaded with high-performance features. It gives you the control of the transmit audio quality letting you customizing the audio just the way you want. The Noise Gate is a very useful solution for noisy operating environments.

W2IHY EQplus audio processing equipment

The W2IHY EQplus Parametric Equalizer adds another layer of features and functionality to the 8 band equalizer/noise gate, and that made it a must. Adding the W2IHY 8 Band Equalizer and the EQplus gives to your voice presence and a very distinctive audio. Depending on the settings you will get an unmatched full spectrum broadcast sound rich with bass and yet clear as a bell or a strong and crisp modulation to break through a pile up.

Wavenode WN-2d

Wavenode WN-2d high precision RF power meter. It uses the PC to automate the antenna's SWR and power measurements.


Wavenode WN-2d Oscilloscope and Spectrum Analysis of the RF Modulation. The Spectrum Analyzer displays the frequency spectrum of the modulation envelope. This allows the operator to view the bandwidth of the transmitted signal directly on the coax sensors in real time. It really helps to maintain a very clean RF signal.

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PB-2086A counter mother-board and IC MSM9520RS replacement module

A digital counter board PB-2086A bought on internet was added to the FT-101Z/MK2. As expected the IC MSM9520RS was faulty (for unknown reasons the IC's MSM9520RS from early production fail after a certain time of operation). Here are some symptoms: unsteady and erratic display or digits (all the time or from time to time), a fixed frequency on display, a dead display, display OK on RX and TX low bands but unsteady when TXing on high bands.

The FT-101Z with the added PB-2086A counter and IC MSM9520RS replacement module

Apart those in use in my transceivers I have two more of these counters. They were bought on internet and were faulty. But there is a nice way to make them working again. Thanks to Teruhiko JA2SVZ who made a tremendous job in producing a replacement module kit for the IC MSM9520RS. The two pictures on the left let you see a replacement module kit which is now in use in my FT-101Z/MK2. For more information about the JA2SVZ replacement module kit click here.

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QSLing        LoTW


The exchange of QSL cards is also welcome direct via the post office. The reply is sent as soon as your mail is received. Please include a self addressed envelope. Return postage is welcome (green stamp or an International Reply Coupon (IRC). However this is not specifically required. Find the address by searching an online callbook such as QRZ.COM (click here).

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Ham Spirit   

(click the logo)

  Ham Radio Ethics
        or how to be
  a gentleman on the air.

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Home Page-Foreword

The 'Eggbeater' Antenna

About Eggbeater Ant

RX & Doppler Tuning





DL-Special DX Antenna

OOØG / MM web page



Solar X-rays & Kp-index

solar x-rays & Kp-index status

Planetary Kp-index

planetary geomagnetic field - kp status

Kp-index / Potsdam

geomagnetic field - kp status / Potsdam

(click the logo)

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( Visitors counter added September 23, 2013 )