
Satellite tracking with push-button receiver and InstantTune Software
Video page illustration
~ Set sound to a medium level & click the "play" button ~
This video is showing the interface and a laptop computer in action,
tracking the CW signal sent by the satellite CO-58 alias SatSai-V. The spacecraft
is receding, the elevation angle is 28° and the range is around 1300 km.
Beacon frequency : 437.465 MHz. Power : 80 mW. Antenna on the satellite : dipole.
The frequency step used in this example is set to 100 Hz.
Signals were received using an "Eggbeater" Antenna.
Pay attention to the stable level of received signals (no fading).
It is due mainly to the peculiarities of the "Eggbeater" Antenna introduced in these pages.
Recorded : July 02.2010 - time : 21.40 TU - max. pass elevation : 69°
This video is showing the interface in action, tracking the CW signal sent by the satellite CO-66 alias SEEDS-1 passing at a high elevation (70°).
Beacon frequency: 437.485 MHz. Power : 90 mW. Antenna on the satellite : 1/4 wavelength monopole.
The frequency step used here was set to 100 Hz.
In this example the frequency change caused by the Doppler Effect is fast, however the tracking is accurate.
Signals were received using an "Eggbeater" Antenna.
Recorded : July 02.2010 - time : 20.45 TU - max. pass elevation : 73°
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