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ON6WG / LPT TEST Software


What is ON6WG / LPT TEST ?

ON6WG/LPT TEST is a tool designed to test the lines D0 to D7 (Pin 2 to Pin9) on the parallel port.

  It has been designed especially to check the proper operation of :
  * the hardware interface connected between the computer and the radio.
  * USB2LPT when using a USB port.

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Downloading and installing ON6WG/LPT TEST

ON6WG/LPT TEST is contained in a zip file.
Download "ON6WG/LPT TEST" on your desktop. Unzip the ON6WG-LPT TEST.zip file on your desktop also. A new ON6WG-LPT TEST folder is created. Open this new folder and verify that Inpout32.dll is present (without this file that is included in the folder ON6WG/LPT TEST will not work). Double click on ON6WG-LPT TEST.exe to launch the application.

Contents of the ON6WG/LPT TEST zip file

    * Inpout32.dll
    * ON6WG-LPT TEST.exe
    * ON6WG-LPT-Test-HELP.txt
    * Traduction française.txt

Click here to download ON6WG/LPT TEST.zip

Do you encounter a problem with the file "ON6WG/LPT TEST.zip" ?
" here " (file size 291 Ko) to download ON6WG/LPT TEST in a self extracting file (SFX). Put this SFX file on your desktop. Double click on the SFX file. Follow the instructions in the installer. When the four files listed above are installed you can delete the SFX file.
Then double click on ON6WG-LPT TEST.exe to launch the application.

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