Satellite Operation

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~ PushButtonRadioTune for Orbitron ~

Automatic Radio Tuning Software


Doppler Shift Compensation



What is PushButtonRadioTune ?

PushButtonRadioTune ( shortened form : PbRadioTune ) provides Doppler shift tuning for satellite operation with mic-button radios or radios equipped with frequency UP / DOWN push buttons. Tune your radio to the desired frequency or station and PbRadioTune does the rest. No need to manually correct your radio for Doppler shift during the pass of the satellite. PbRadioTune is a driver especially designed to work with the satellite tracking software Orbitron written by Sebastian Stoff. It works as a software interface between the satellite tracking program making Doppler shift calculations and your radio.

Push button (Mic-button) radios can be used as either a receiver or a transmitter or both at the same time (provided that the receiver and the transmitter are separate devices).

PbRadioTune has been designed to be fully compatible with the hardware interface used with InstantTune for InstantTrack described in the article “Satellite Tracking with push button receiver and InstantTune”. For this reason the same pinout on the parallel port has been used (read the article on page 3).

PbRadioTune can be used with a USB port provided that USB2LPT 1.7 is used.


    * Works with Orbitron software (more informations about Orbitron "here").
    * Windows 98 / 2000 / 2003 / XP / Vista compatible.
    * Uses a PC parallel port.
    * USB port compatible when used with USB2LPT 1.7 port converter (more informations about USB2LPT "here").
    * Uses a very simple and easy to build hardware interface between the computer and the radios (see it "here").
    * Mic-button (or push button) radios can be activated using either a mouse or the PC keyboard.
    * 25, 100, 1000 Hz frequency step (can be extended to other values).
    * Allows duplex Doppler shift compensation (provided TX and RX are separate devices).
    * Uses Orbitron Doppler frequency calculation to compensate the receiver or transmitter for Doppler shift.
    * Accuracy : 1 second (when Orbitron is set to this value).
    * Frequency reset ability.
    * Offers an additional channel that can be activated automatically or manually.
    * Offers a second additional channel with manual activation.
    * Works when minimized.
    * Contains a comprehensive “Help” file.
    * The section controlling the receiver (Tune RX) is fully compatible with the hardware interface used with
       InstantTune (same parallel port pinout) (read the article about the InstantTune hardware interface on Page 3).


PbRadioTune receiving data from Orbitron and sending it to the radio hardware interface via LPT/USB port.

PbRadioTune and Orbitron

PbRadioTune and its 'Help' file.

Downloading and installing PbRadioTune

Prior anything else... Orbitron is supposed to be installed on your computer. If none, install it now and learn how it works.

PbRadioTune is contained in a zip file.

Download “” on your desktop. Unzip the file on your desktop also. A new PbRadioTune folder is created. Move the new PbRadioTune folder to the folder where Orbitron is installed. Open the PbRadioTune folder and verify that the files listed below are present. Then open PbRadioTune-ReadmeFirst.txt and follow the installation instructions.

Contents of the PbRadioTune zip file

    * Inpout32.dll
    * PbRadioTune.exe
    * PbRadioTune-ReadmeFirst.txt
    * Traduction française.txt

Note : The file named “PbRadioTune-ReadmeFirst.txt” is a copy of the “Help” file contained in the program. This file is needed to install the program. Use a text editor like Windows Notepad to open it.

Click here to download

Do you encounter a problem with the file "" ? Click " here " (file size 410 Ko) to download PbRadioTune in a self extracting file (SFX). Put this SFX file on your desktop. In Orbitron folder create a new folder called PbRadioTune. Drag and drop the SFX file in the new folder you have just created. Double click on the SFX file. Follow the instructions in the installer. When the four files listed above are installed you can delete the SFX file.
Then open PbRadioTune-ReadmeFirst.txt and follow the installation instructions.

I have written PbRadioTune for the requirements of my station. PbRadioTune can be improved (with more frequency steps for instance). Send your comments and suggestions to my e-Mail : …"here"

    * If you find this software useful, I would enjoy hearing about it !
    * Now if you decide to use PbRadioTune regularly, please consider making a donation to the AMSAT.

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